Saturday, June 17, 2006

Reply to Snide Letter from Horrible Highland

Dear Mr. R.
Thank you for your letter which does indeed clarify a number of things.

Let me also clarify several misconceptions:

1. Your policy of lack of reattempt was not shared with me before this situation of intransigence(!!!)
2. I did not wait til Friday to ask about/for my meds!! Friday was after the
Wednesday call to find out why they weren't delivered Monday Tuesday or Wednesday!

3. I am paralyzed and in pain. I cannot come in and have no one to pick up the drugs for me, so it is grating to read:
"We have always toid people who need deliveries right away and have missed the delivery for that day are more than welcomed (sic) to come in or have someone pick them up"

4. "Please do not be so condescending to my staff, they are here to help you"
I wish they had, as I said I am paralyzed and in pain and must make multiple phone calls and negotiations to get my meds. I was not told there were delays in fulfillment! And the last time I could not get my meds I had to engage PDQ to pick them up for me.

I am grateful that at last, they are here.

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